Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Something Cool

Ms. Sanchez sent me this link about a show airing on PBS called Black in Latin America:


I will definitely be watching this. If you watched the preview, I was nodding the whole time the man from the Dominican Republic was speaking and not because I agree. The way race works in Latin America is so interesting. I wrote my final paper for Ms. Morales’ Latin American Revolutions elective and then spoke at the Latino Identity Mini-Course about this. (I go to the Mini-Course for fun.) Coloring the Nation is about 4th on my infinite “Books to Read” list, and is on this topic specific to the Dominican Republic where I do think it’s most interesting.

Have I told you all how my mom has been putting me down as “White” in the Census forms? I just found out about this in December. Interesting, right? But look up the choices for race. I’m obviously not White, but in our culture I’m not Black either. Race doesn’t seem so objective when you read about this stuff.

In honor of this topic, a photo from Spring Break in the Dominican Republic:



  1. I filled out the census and I honestly didn't know what to mark down. My brain turned to mush. There should be a CARAMEL option. I am SO serious (-.-)
