I had a bad very end of the day. To make myself feel better I’ll be listing all the good things that happened otherwise:
1. Sat next to Bronwen in Physics and complimented Greg’s rarely acceptable grey-on-grey outfit and nice cardigan.
2. Had a photo critique session with Corey, Jacob, and Gabe during Advisor and learned a lot.
3. No ILS reading quiz, even though I actually understood it this time.
4. Mr. Harrop commented on the strange mixture of clothing that created my outfit. I responded by telling him, “Oh yea, I was feeling very free this morning!” That got a chuckle out of some people which made me feel funny. And Mr. Harrop said something about feeling glad I felt the freedom, and then concluded that I’m probably the least person he’d worry about not letting myself feel limited. Yes.
5. I forgot that I had a class and went to have lunch. I had the food in my hands when I realized it, but then bumped into someone in my Pre-Calc class who told me that we don’t have class until later. SO LUCKY. But then I didn’t know what time class started, so I got there late and got called out for it. Eek.
6. Joost saved me from eating by myself, and I found the lunch delicious.
7. Kelvin joined us.
8. I left my math class running to get to my Spanish in-class essay. It turns out I was an hour early. What’s up with me and lateness?
9. I bought two Valentine’s Day Candygrams for two great people.
10. I really enjoy warm-up before a game, so that was appreciated.
11. Coach articulated my effort and attitude toward the team perfectly and gave all the seniors an indoor mini basketball and hoop. HOW cool with that be looking in my future college dorm room? Very cool.
12. When I walked out after the game, the sky wasn’t completely dark and still had a blue-ish hue. Spring is on its way!
13. Mr. Harrop saw me in the hall and said, “I’m feeling very free just seeing you!”. I know he was referring to the joke from earlier today, but it is still probably the best thing anyone has ever said to me.
you're the freest person ever! - mr. harrop
ReplyDeletejust kidding it's not mr. harrop
this is the best way to get ova a bad day girl.